Course: (8 hrs) Contact us for pricing (In-person Course)
Note: This is not a train the trainer course
This one day course is designed for officers who will be involved in roadway assignments. By completing this course, participants will:
- Learn how to identify a Work Zone
- Acquire the skills to set up a safe and efficient work zone
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of both contractors and police personnel
- Familiarize themselves with the components of a work zone
- Differentiate between day and night work operations
- Distinguish between short-term and long-term work zones
- Identify the two types of work zones
- Understand the conditions under which flagmen are authorized
- Gain awareness of OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and PEOSH (Public Employees Occupational Safety and Health) regulations
- Be prepared for possible enforcement actions
- Learn how to effectively manage emergency zones